Fine and Performing Arts
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Fine and Performing ARts
Wallace State Community College offers its students several creative outlets through its Fine and Performing Arts programs. Students can choose to participate in numerous instrumental and vocal performance groups, drama, and studio art programs.
About Fine and Performing Arts
Wallace State is one of only 140 colleges or universities throughout the United States
designated as an All Steinway School, giving all of our pianists the chance to play
and compose music exclusively on Steinway pianos.
The Fine and Performing Arts programs are all housed in the Burrow Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. The building includes a 250-seat recital hall, separate practice areas for groups and bands, sound-proof rooms for individual practice, studio art spaces, and classrooms.
Previous music experience is required for all of the instrumental performance groups and auditions are required for the Wallace State Jazz Band. The Wallace State Choir is open to all, while the Wallace State Singers are selected via an audition process. The Wallace State Theatre program also holds auditions for its productions each semester; they are open to all students. Many times, the Wallace State music programs and theatre program will join forces for a musical theatre production.
Studio Art classes are open to all, though they may have pre-requisites in order to enroll in advanced courses.
Scholarship Information
Fine and Performing Arts programs
Program Overview
Fine and Performing Arts
- Amy Seymore
- 256.352.8277
Degrees/Awards Offered
- Day
- Online
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